Thursday, 17 November 2016

The Apprentice 2016: Week 6 Review

Only 12 candidates sitting in the boardroom
Only 12 candidates sitting in the boardroom
And if one of the candidates should be told ‘you’re fired’
There’ll be just 11 candidates sitting in the boardroom

This time: it’s the treasure hunt task. Who will triumph, and who will have an X marked in their spot by the end of the show?

2.30pm, Courtney and Trishna are in the garden playing footie, where Jess is face-painting Dillon *for no particular reason apparently*. Karthik answers the phone ‘good afternoon, Karthik here’ *has to be special as usual*. He’s told that the need to get to the 69th floor of the Shard, cars will arrive in 20 mins. Courtney gets further into my good books by asking ‘So he’s taking us up the Shard?....Nice’ *purely on sense of humour alone he’s just behind Karthik and Jess as my favourite candidate* Paul says he’s a human iron to which Courtney responds that he’ll iron him out in the BR *see?*

In cars: Grainne reckons it’ll be an all-nighter *good girl*, Karthik tells us he doesn’t do manual labour *he eats, drinks and makes love apparently. I swear he’s getting more and more like Raj from the Big Bang Theory every week*. Frances doesn’t want to PM, Paul says Rebecca’s been told to do it.

At the Shard: LAS tells us that the task is about negotiation and stamina, confirms it’s a night shift and says it’s about when to buy and get the best deal. Trishna is moved to Nebula, and the teams are told that the least money spent wins, but they will need to be back by 6am, and they will be fined for being late. They have business directories, maps and £1k of cold hard cash.

The 9 items that they need to find are: a rambuttan (a fruit), a lengha (Indian formal dress), African black soap, 10 Robusto cigars, 200 rainbow bagels, a bird of paradise, an American-style pool cue, a tagine, and a photograph of the night-time London skyline then made up as a poster.

Trishna volunteers to be PM as she knows London well and knows estimated timings for locations. Teen Titan decides to PM for Titans *been waiting for this moment all series*, and then splits the teams up. Special K and Samuel seem to know what the foreign items are. GBBD and Samuel make some calls.

In cars: Teen Titan has deliberately chosen to go to nearby places, he reckons they’ll be done by 3am; but it’s taking a while to get to their chosen destination (he mistakenly thinks SE2 is next to SE1; in all honesty I would have thought the same as I don’t know London whatsoever). Dillon heads to get the American-style pool cue while on the way to get the lengha *Karthik brings up a good point here about why would they go to the pool hall that closes at 2.30am first when the lengha shop closes a few hours earlier*. In Hackney and Frances asks Incredible Sulk if ‘it’s like the ghetto’ *I know she’s young but …… I do despair of our younger generation sometimes*, he then gets a deal on the rainbow bagels (35p each for 200 = £70).

Samuel struggles to get a discount on the African soap; whilst Sofiane is a disruptive influence on his team *when isn’t he?*, but does get a 20% discount on the print (£30 down to £24). Frances gets smug about the fact she wore a lengha to an Indian wedding and can speak some of the language. Special K also tries to get the lengha, but isn’t happy with 30% discount, and he tells us that you can’t be abrupt like in Western culture *yes Karthik, but at least we get things done, rather than spend all day practicing our chit chat skills*. Contrast Frances getting the lengha for a good price (£25, child size); here’s Gary’s dinghy for this series. Special K gets it for £55. Karthik/Dillon/Grainne hug. Trishna sub-team (her/Jess/Sofiane) struggle to find tagine and rambutan. Incredible Sulk tells his team to keep putting phone down and calling numbers – Rebecca gets a lead on tagine and black African soap.

After midnight: Teen Titan goes to a restaurant in Belgravia to get the Robusto cigars, GBBD leads the pitch there, tries to get 10 for £140 rather than £200, manages to get them for £145 *Karren hates the ‘pathetic, girly’ way she gets them; hey, if it works, it works*. Jess tries to get them as well, gets a lead and Sofiane takes the phone from her *he really can’t stand to see her do well can he?*. Jess tries the sob story and it eventually works, although is criticised by Claude for getting them for a high price. Sofiane tries to get the tagine, but is told to leave it as Incredible Sulk’s sub-team is getting it. They’re at a 24 hr supermarket – Rebecca leads it but it seems the shop owner didn’t understand her on the phone, and they end up with tahini paste and African soup.

2am: Courtney’s team need 5 more items. Rainbow bagels – Teen Titan gets them for 40p each, but criticised by Karren for doing a deal at the first shop he visits *they’re 2/3 of the way in by this point Karren, cut them some slack*. Special K struggles to stay awake and starts snoring. Grainne starts singing ‘All Night Long’ with him and Dillon and it works *Grainne is surprisingly upbeat this episode, keep her with Dillon and Karthik I reckon*. Trishna doesn’t understand how Paul’s sub-team didn’t get their 2 items *Chase. Goose. Wild – please rearrange, Trishna*. GBBD – ‘is Morocco in Turkey?’ *facepalm. Lots and lots of facepalm*. Grainne looks to get Bird of Paradise – goes for a used one for £5. Karren calls out Teen Titan for being laid back with no sense of urgency, they get the photo. Rebecca gets the pool cue for £30. Jess gets a lead on rambutan, she buys it for £19, in comparison with £15 for Karthik. Jess gets a bit fruity in the car *my kind of girl right there*. Incredible Sulk asks Trishna about getting the last 2 items as they’ll struggle getting back in time. Teen Titan gets the print for £7.50, but not much time left. Frances gets bird of paradise for £9.

Trishna/Sofiane/Jess fail to make it back in time. All of Titans are in. Special K does a piece about how Courtney didn’t execute his strategy well, reckons he will have a lot to answer for if they lose as they missed the tagine *for one item? Somehow my dear I think they’ll go off at you for spending so much time and money on that lengha*.

Initial BR: LAS says the task was based on negotiating/logistics/time. Nebula – Trishna goes west, Incredible Sulk east as he knows East London *of course he does*. She admits that she didn’t know what a rambutan was initially. She was asked to describe what the team did next, LAS interrupts to ask Sofiane about the picture *what was the point of asking her then?*. LAS then calls Jess out for using sob story in negotiation *if it works then it works*, Trishna criticised for not going to 24hr printers, and also for not walking out of cigar place. Incredible Sulk describes what the sub-team did, LAS confirms didn’t specify size of lengha. LAS likes the photo. Rebecca admits they wasted a lot of time on tagine/soap. Titans – Teen Titan states that he had to make a decision between soap and tagine, got the soap, then admits he messed up on geography. Karen criticises GBBD for begging, GBBD makes a good point by saying it didn’t matter how she got to the end point; Karren counters by saying that nice isn’t how you do business *maybe it’s not how YOU do business Karren….*. Neither team got the tagine. Special K asked about lengha. Grainne talks about bird of paradise. All the team said Courtney was a good PM.

Titans – 8 items for £333.11, fine of £75 = £408.11
Nebula – 7 items for £362.80, fines = £157.75 = £520.55

Treat is a pampering session at the house from Carol Joy. Karthik – ‘that’s how you do it!’ Courtney – ‘4 in a row’ *boys will be boys*

LAS points out that Frances and Rebecca still haven’t won a task.

Special K admits that he has changed his behaviour during the process.

Café: Sofiane goes on about the tagine, Trishna says that’s all he’s interested in (Jess agrees, reckons Sofiane didn’t contribute). Rebecca thinks her one mistake didn’t cause the failure and she’s sick of being rounded upon.

Losing BR: 5 of 7 items they bought were more expensive.

£24 vs £7 on poster
£30 vs £20 on pool cue
£9 vs £5 for flowers
£19 vs £15 for rambuttan
Circa £200 vs £145 on cigars

Jess gets criticised for the cigar negotiation, which she admits was not the best. Trishna is asked why her strategy went out of the window, admits that she went for nearness over relevancy. She’s informed that they wasted an hour with the print, and that the team were all over the place. Rebecca admits that the shop owner didn’t understand her, but claims Frances and Paul backed her up over what she said on the phone. Sofiane is called out for not listening, Trishna says she and Jess were doing all the work, and Sofiane was just desperate for the tagine. Sofiane replies that it is about negotiation and Karren says he over-negotiated too on the print. Trishna chooses to bring back Sofiane and Rebecca. LAS keeps Frances back to tell her that she needs to be on a winning team - ‘I’ll try on the next task’ with the sourest face possible *her age is showing here*

LAS aside: Trishna – lost control, main focus was negotiating and didn’t do it. Good plan but didn’t execute it. Sofiane – Sofiane looks after Sofiane. Rebecca – people don’t respect her.

Final 3 BR: Rebecca pointed out for not being PM, Trishna says that she brought her back as she diverted team for 90 mins, Rebecca replies that all 3 of them made the decision, not just her. Sofiane wonders why Jess isn’t back when she overspent, Trishna says Jess had good ideas and supported her. She claims Sofiane was working in his own team. Karren criticises Rebecca for the pool cue, Rebecca says she doesn’t do negotiation *is there anything that she actually DOES do?*. She blames Trishna, who calls her the ‘weakest link’, and claims that she’s the only woman that hasn’t crumbled under pressure, and is better than most people in the process. Sofiane says that he was full of ideas, blames Rebecca. Sofiane – concerns ‘no smoke without fire’ does own thing, no respect for others. Rebecca – asked for opportunity to PM, good talker. Trishna – failure lays firmly on strategy not being adhered to, hard not to put total blame on her. Needs to think about past performance, Rebecca FIRED.

Sofiane is given a strong warning not to be an autocrat, but both allowed back.

Taxi – Rebecca says other people have done less but happen to be on winning sides *wonder who she’s referring to here?*. She then becomes my favourite candidate ever by claiming that not being a twat is her downfall *I loved her purely for that sentence, and then she was brilliant on You’re Fired as well*

Paul reckons Sofiane has a reputation *already in the narrative Paul*, Dillon reckons Trishna has potential *really?*. Sofiane reckons we will see more business acumen from him *somehow I doubt that*.

Next time: the candidates need to sell some water-themed items. Who will sink without trace and who will have everything going swimmingly *ahem*

Tonight’s cast:
Firee and not a twat: Rebecca
The Lone Wolf: Sofiane
Potential for…..?: Trishna
So Laid Back he’s Horizontal: Teen Titan
Raj from The Big Bang Theory: Special K
Future X Factor entrant (sob story): Jess
Sourpuss: Frances
Pathetic and Girly (supposedly): GBBD
King of the East End: Incredible Sulk
The Organisers of Karaoke for Special K: Dillon and Grainne

One Line and (basically) Done: Samuel

Monday, 7 November 2016

The Apprentice 2016: Week 5 Review

13 candidates sitting in the boardroom
13 candidates sitting in the boardroom
And if one of the candidates should be told ‘you’re fired’
There’ll be just 12 candidates sitting in the boardroom.

This week, the candidates have to do some crowdfunding to launch 2 new cycling products. The teams will need to create a PR stunt, a campaign video and also pitch to industry bigwigs; will they put their pedal to the mettle and succeed, or crash and burn? *there’s probably going to be a few cycling puns, just warning you in advance*

5am, and Paul (shirtless) answers the phone. They’ll be off to Lea Valley Velopark and it’ll be 30 mins for cars. *how many shirtless scenes did they want? Paul, Sofiane, Courtney….; not complaining though, no siree* Liking Grainne’s optimism that Nebula will win this task but reckon she’ll be wrong.

At the Olympic velodrome: the candidates will need to bring a new cycling product to market, launch a crowdfunding campaign, and pitch their product to retailers, with the win being based on who makes the most money *really it should be for ‘who is the least crap (would have used a stronger word here but I shall censor myself for you dear readers and use Paul’s choice of word for Mukai back in week 3)’ but then that would be too boring I guess*. Sofiane, Jess and JD move to Nebula, whilst Grainne and Karthik head over to Titans. LAS wants to know who will be PMs *bit early for that eh? Normally we at least have them in a random room going at it until someone wins (just realised I could be referring to Jess and Teen Titan’s little romance here, think I’ll leave that in)*. Samuel will be leading for Titans as he’s done crowdfunding campaigns previously, whilst JD steps up for Nebula.

Products are novelty bike accessories for kids, headphones, and light-up gilets. Samuel goes for the gilets, JD for the headphones. Titans sub-team: GBBD and Special K lead the incentive pitch with Lucy (maker of the gilets). On Nebula: Incredible Sulk is sub-team leader, Jess is leading the questions, but the team struggle for what to ask and don’t agree on what rewards will be provided for what price *it’ll come back to bite them later on, it always does*.

JD wants a gospel choir to sing their product, but Frances wants to change some of the lyrics of one of their songs. Samuel on the other hand wants mime artists to pretend to have a collision (car/cyclist) then a bit of singing after (‘Oh nooo, if only he had a Lumo…..’ – I actually want this to become a meme for Samuel whenever he’s on YF, he’s not a bad singer). Grainne and Trishna have ‘WTF’ looks. Frances and Rebecca seem to have the ideas, and Karren calls out JD for not actually managing *he did give you a clue last week Karren, when all he did was make the tea*.

Titans’ sub-team leader is Special KGBBD wants an ad along the lines of ‘what price would you put on your safety?’ *an extremely good idea I must admit*. Special K however wants to use Dillon’s creative skills; GBBD feels she’s being pushed out in favour of the boys *this will be a theme this ep, keep your eyes peeled*. Over on Nebula: Sofiane is trying to ask Incredible Sulk about a point of safety, but Incredible Sulk blocks him out saying his points aren’t up for discussion *again, a theme of this episode, we will revisit this later*

Samuel is pushing through his vision, but Claude says he’ll ‘eat his shorts’ if it gains traction on social media, #concerned *I never thought I would see the day when Claude Littner would use a hashtag, clearly the ineptitude of the candidates this series is getting to him; either that or he's been watching re-runs of 'The Simpsons'*.

Nebula filming: Incredible Sulk is backseat-directing when Jess is meant to be leading that, and even Sofiane is getting in on the act at the end, with Karren saying it would be a miracle if they got a video out *miracles happen Karren, after all, Tom Pellerau won after being on the losing team most weeks*.

Titans filming: Special K gave directing duties to Dillon, but Special K is taking over *first bit of leadership and he goes all dictator; clearly the pressure of always having to be special has gone to his head*. Final filming seems to go well though, and it was a masterstroke putting creator Lucy in the campaign vid itself, nice touch.

Nebula sub-team don’t want JD’s side to head to them, and JD concedes this pretty much straight away, to the worry of Frances. Dillon throws shade at GBBD in the editing studio *#PoorAlana*. Sofiane trying to make some input, but again is shut down by Incredible Sulk *this is pretty much a re-run of the Mukai/Grainne argument from last week*.

Next day at 7.30am: JD loves the video, Trishna tries to make out they spelled gilet wrong (that’s how they spelled it but she reckons it’s gillet – I knew she was wrong as soon as she said it and more fool the rest for not questioning it). JD is all about the chilling *how on flipping earth does he run a business in real life?*. Incredible Sulk shuts down Sofiane again, Sofiane fights back and Jess suggests to work in silence *cue a few moments of awkward tension, thanks editors*. Titans make their page live.

Waterloo Station: Grainne argues with Samuel and walks off from the rest of the team, Samuel affirms he’s PM whilst Grainne reckons they’ll lose if they don’t listen to her *funny she should say that……*

Town square: Frances blames JD for not going to see the sub-team *the others didn’t want any of you there* Incredible Sulk speaks to the product designer (called Bruce) about the rewards.

Back to Titans: Grainne still pissed off, Claude takes Trishna to task about the spelling of ‘gilet’ *told you*. With Nebula: website now live, Karren not happy that activity belt being pledged for £5 when retails at approx 3x that *they tried for £10 Karren and Bruce said it was too high, they have to go with the creator after all*. Frances not happy with Rebecca’s filming, but Rebecca says she had restrictions on the tablet she was using.

Prep for pitching: GBBD not happy at being sidelined by Special K when he was asked who was strong at pitching from his sub-team, Special K admits that he couldn’t remember her name *storyline of the ep: Alana is forgotten*. Samuel initially said he wanted Trishna to pitch, but then takes it off her last minute to do himself. JD, Sofiane and Frances to pitch for Nebula.

At the pitch: Special K starts very well, gets a laugh from the room. Teen Titan messes up his words. Samuel gets the tumbleweed moment when he describes his fantasy of mime. JD and Sofiane start off well, but Frances is questioned on pricing, something which Sofiane should have been talking about, and she blames him when she duly screws up.

BR: Titans: £99 for pre-order of gilet, which they were told was spelled wrong (Trishna admits it), GBBD came up with concept which Claude thought was good, Special K was disruptive but explains himself well. LAS wouldn’t have a clue what the PR stunt was about, Samuel tries to defend himself, Claude calls it absurd and LAS says Napoleon had better luck at Waterloo than the team did. Samuel and Grainne argue, again. Pitches mentioned (Trishna meant to do it), one retailer said Special K was superb *the clue is in the name: SPECIAL*. Asked if Samuel was a good PM and Grainne immediately says no, she and Samuel argue again. Samuel told by Claude he didn’t listen *cue smug face from Grainne that rivals those on the Secret Escapes adverts*. Nebula: Rebecca called out for bad video, Frances did the lyrics. Incredible Sulk and sub-team were called out for activity belt pricing which Incredible Sulk took the blame for (well done, surprised he did). JD criticised for his part of the pitch (preaching to the converted), and Frances was that told she didn’t understand the audience either (she held her hands up *a bit of a pattern emerging here, thank you You’re Fired for saying everything I wanted to*). All of them said that JD was a good leader.

Nebula: £681
Titans: £788 (including 2 orders from retailers)

Titans win again – LAS said Special K pulled it off whilst Samuel is a lucky man *cue Grainne bitch face*. Treat is a restaurant where they learn to cook.

LAS says that he is disappointed as Nebula had the best product.

Treat: Champagne quaffed, the team get to work in the kitchen. Grainne now happy, she helps Samuel with an icing bag, Teen Titan quips ‘best bit of teamwork from you two all day’ *he has a sense of humour this guy, I like him*. Samuel reckons he needs to learn to work more cohesively with Grainne *no kidding*.

Café: JD feels that all the blame lies on the sub-team. Sofiane says that the page with the pledge information was the problem, to which Incredible Sulk replies that Sofiane had input towards, they blame each other. Jess says that maybe that’s where the loss of the task is and that things only got done because she was there (she might be right).

Losing team BR: Rebecca and Frances called out for 5 losses from 5. JD blamed for not going to other team – Karren told him ‘go anyway, you’re the PM’ *very true*. Incredible Sulk and Sofiane clash, again. JD says that if they had worked together it might have been a game-changer, and he admits that he should have put them on separate sub-teams as they had clashed before *when was this?*. Sofiane shaded for not mentioning pricing, leaving it all to Frances. Rebecca ‘does marketing’, said £200 of pledges came from social media, Frances blames her for the filming. Incredible Sulk tries to blame JD, JD says that the fundamental error was the crowdfunding page. JD chooses to bring Incredible Sulk and Rebecca back.

Aside: Incredible Sulk – not shy about passing blame, Sofiane brings out the worst in him, but he can’t fall apart. Rebecca – claims that she’s marketing expert, the early pledges were down to her, Karren sniffs £200 isn’t much *meow*. JD – ‘we needed Jay Z and got JD’ *I’m not usually a fan of the scripted quips of LAS but I did like this one*, needs to show that he’s not given up.

Final 3 BR: LAS says that JD let Frances and Rebecca get on with it and gave the site responsibility to Incredible Sulk, he is then asked what he did. Rebecca called out for £200 not being much, she defends herself saying that if there were no hashtags then less people would have seen it *and thus she is the frontrunner for this series’ ‘Department of the Bloody Obvious’ award*. Incredible Sulk claims that this was his first mistake in 5 weeks, it just turned out to be the task that’s closest to the field he’s in. LAS brings up his CV saying he listens to people, which Incredible Sulk is apparently happy to answer saying that Sofiane is a maverick *yes Paul we got this in week 3 with him and the football club*. JD is asked why Sofiane was not brought back *because Paul has been moody and had arguments before whereas Sofiane hasn’t, maybe?*, LAS says that he is only agreeing that he made mistakes, is he throwing in the towel? Why should he be kept? LAS states that he can’t go into business with someone who makes mistakes. Incredible Sulk says that he has most to offer, with a range of skillsets. Rebecca asks if he’ll do that by shouting more *funnily enough this was what I was thinking at the time*, Incredible Sulk replies saying that she needs to stand up for herself. Rebecca brings up that she did a good pitch in task 2 (she did), that she can win people over (she didn’t on task 2), and wants to be PM (which she should have been on task 2 had she not been tricked out of it by GBBD and Trishna). LAS says that he needs to consider her future. JD – mistake in bringing Incredible Sulk back instead of Sofiane? Incredible Sulk – instability should not be apparent in the partner that he is looking for. LAS can’t ignore that all JD has done is just admitted mistakes, FIRED.

Incredible Sulk is told to grasp the mettle and man up *odd choice of wording there*, Rebecca is told that she will be given one more chance but that she needs to pull out all the stops. Incredible Sulk was going for a handshake but JD went for a hug *I wanted to see this on You’re Fired like the Dillon/Alana non-hug from last week*

Teen Titan reckons that Incredible Sulk just squeezed through (Frances agrees), Trishna reckons Rebecca has definitely gone *and she is definitely wrong, as she was earlier in this ep*.

My take: the right team definitely won. Despite Samuel’s obsession with mime and the arguments with Grainne, they won this task from the campaign video (kudos to Alana there, she came up with a good concept) and also the pitch (which was down to Karthik really, his redemption arc continues). Nebula did have some good ideas (the choir were the right way to go) but these were offset by other factors (Rebecca’s awful video, Paul and Sofiane clashing). JD *and you don’t know how hard it was to not just nickname him JD Sports* absolutely should have checked with his sub-team as to the pledge page as he could have spoken to the client to get the information and Frances and Rebecca could have helped Jess to keep the boys under control. I did feel sorry for Jess in that regard, as she was trying to keep everything heading in the right direction but Paul and Sofiane undermined that. Frances too, with Sofiane throwing her under the bus at the pitch, although she could have handled that better and really, she should have known the pricing too.

Next week: it’s the treasure hunt task. The teams have to find 9 items each, but here’s the catch: they have to perform an all-nighter to do it.

Tonight’s cast:
The Firee: JD
The Last Chance Saloon: Rebecca
The One with his Hands Up: Incredible Sulk
The ‘Maverick’: Sofiane
The Peacemaker: Jess
The ‘I’ll Blame Everyone Else and Then Admit I had a Part to Play’: Frances
The Mime Artist: Samuel
The Argument Starter: Grainne
The One who can’t Spell: Trishna
The Redeemer: Special K
The Creative: Dillon
The One Line and Done: Teen Titan

The Forgotten, but not on Purpose: GBBD

Sunday, 6 November 2016

The Apprentice 2016: Week 4 Review

15 candidates sitting in the boardroom,
15 candidates sitting in the boardroom,
And only one of the candidates was actually told ‘you’re fired’
But there’ll be 13 candidates sitting in the boardroom…..

Week 4 and the candidates are put to work at department store Liberty of London, where they are tasked with providing a personal shopper service and designing and advertising their own product range.

5.45am, and Trishna answers the phone – they’re told to be at Drapers Hall in London. Dillon is seen doing Special K’s hair in an odd show of male bonding. Sofiane struggles to remember if he’s PMed previously (answer: no).

Drapers Hall turns out to be a guild of wool and cloth merchants. LAS tells them that they need to provide excellent customer service, and that the team with the most sales will win. Grainne puts herself forward for PM as she’s worked in department stores previously, and nominates Frances as sub-team leader as she also has store experience. This is the point where Smug Git announces that she’s leaving the process as she’s found it ‘too stressful’ *not such a smug git now are you?*. Sofiane makes himself PM, Samuel and Dillon put themselves up for sub-team leader but Dillon is told he’s ‘not a strong enough leader’ and Samuel gets it.

In the car, Teen Titan worries about Sofiane as PM trying to be a one-man band *no chance of that I think*.

9am and at the store, McEye tries to make out he’s an expert in leather goods, The Incredible Sulk seems to disagree.

Dillon makes a good point about the feline scarves being unisex *see, lessons have been learned from week 2 where they didn’t know what ‘unisex’ actually meant. Who said this problem wasn't educational?*, and then tops it off by calling them an ‘interesting twist on the pussy bow’. Sofiane’s sub-team *well Dillon mainly* convince him to go for scarves, whilst Grainne ignores all but McEye and goes with handbags over scarves.

Both teams have a sub-team creating the window display. They get a quick training session on window dressing *not the political kind please, although both teams have a male who gets into that area later*, where they are told that having someone in the window itself can get up to 50% more sales *keep this last sentence in mind as it becomes the theme of the ep*. Dillon goes the whole hog with this and comes up with Jess leaning out of a furry paw print frame, draping the scarves about. Samuel wonders what on earth ‘Cool for Cats’ is (their potential tagline), and Dillon tells him it’s an old 80s song and the girls try to hum along to the tune. Grainne meanwhile feels McEye is trying to take over with the window display *you think?* due to his suggestion of having Rebecca in there with the bags, which she vehemently disagrees with *I’m not sure if she’s objecting to Rebecca being a ‘bag lady’, in which case props to her, or if she thinks it’s suggesting something more sinister. The edit seems to suggest the second*.

Frances, Special K and Rebecca are in the shoe section, with Frances trying to get information from their personal shopping client, she asks some good questions and then ruins the brownie points she’d just built up with me by smugly going ‘smashed it!’ after finishing the call *I might have to recycle the Smug Git nickname I had for Aleksandra and start using it for Frances*. GBBD doesn’t do as well, she kept going ‘erm….’ *channelling Dara O’Briain right there*, failed to ask questions like what sizes the client is and what sort of style or colours they like, and she also tried to push other items on their client, big no no.

Window display reveal – Sofiane loves what his team have come up with *best thing he’s ever seen apparently, he’s clearly been very sheltered*, whilst on Nebula McEye tries to explain to Rebecca what’s going on and what the display represents (random fabrics and architecture representing a New York skyline and the island of Menorca, allegedly) and also her part in it, but Claude doesn’t get it *neither do I Claude, neither do I*.

Day 2 and Sofiane moves over to the other sub-team on the shop floor. Frances and Special K are on personal shopping duties for Nebula, Grainne deploying Special K as Frances’ runner (‘this is the best place for you’) *more like ‘this is so I can throw you under the bus if we lose and say you didn’t do anything of note*. Dillon is duly appointed as sub-team leader for Titans after his efforts with the window display, but Teen Titan and Samuel are unsure about where they are meant to be and PM Sofiane doesn’t offer much help, telling them to get familiar with one section of their product *their product basically is one section isn’t it?*. Dillon is not happy that he hasn’t been given any details on the client, but he manages to glean some of the information that GBBD should have provided by some clever questioning of the client *well played sir, well played*.

McEye is still trying to get Rebecca to be in the window, but Grainne is still against the idea *this essentially sets the tone for the rest of the ep, this particular argument*.

Special K is seen asking good questions of the personal shopper, Claude agrees he is doing ‘quite well’; the client says their choices are magnificent *redemption arc for Karthik underway?*

Dillon does well with his client, but GBBD and Trishna try (and fail) to sell the scarves to the female there. Jess gets a lot of sales, whilst PM Sofiane is struggling, Sofiane isn’t happy with Jess selling and puts her back in the window *petty, absolutely petty and he continues his sexist streak from last week*. Incredible Sulk and Grainne get some sales *even though Paul clearly doesn’t know much about the handbag that he sells*, and Incredible Sulk then recommends a client to Frances for personal shopping *good teamwork there*. McEye however, is not selling *karma is a bitch isn’t it McEye?*.

Trishna and GBBD are not happy that Sofiane and Dillon wanted to send Jess over for their next client *well clearly Sofiane wants Jess to stop selling downstairs, whereas Alana and Trishna are kind of spare parts, as is JD (more on him below); but Dillon did have a good reason for wanting Jess to come over as his next client was female and Jess has a fashion line herself*. Special K gives us a nice metaphor about fish climbing trees *I say it’s nice but I have no idea what he’s actually on about*, however their next clients (teenage girls) don’t seem to like anything they’ve picked. Dillon’s next client doesn’t seem to like their selections either and GBBD is pointed out by Karren to be butting in to try and push for sales. McEye eventually gets a sale, but he’s still trying to get Rebecca in the window and argues with Grainne, whilst Incredible Sulk and Rebecca try to defuse it *different role for Paul compared to last week*. Samuel and Grainne get some sales, and Dillon’s client is happy in the end.

Both teams are confident they’ve won *well at least one of you will be wrong….*

In the BR: LAS jokes about Smug Git’s departure by saying he’s ‘saved himself a cab fare’. Titans – Sofiane admits scarves probably weren’t the best idea *really? I thought they were the best option of the two*, Dillon explains the window display well, and Jess gets praised by Karren for still selling whilst being in the window, and she was the top seller to boot *take that Sofiane*. GBBD is criticised for not getting the details from the client, who it turns out Dillon sold £1k of items to but had a budget of £5k *Dillon gets the blame for this, unfairly imo as Alana should have asked about it initially. I think there may well be something in the task rules that those questions couldn’t be asked when the client was actually there with them*, and JD gets called out for not doing anything but Karren does admit he makes a mean cup of tea *story of his life probably Karren*. Nebula – McEye tells us that he worked in Italy for 2 years in leather goods and accessories, and Incredible Sulk is asked to explain why he wanted scarves. McEye tries to defend the window display but Claude counters by saying the message didn’t come across at all, to which McEye admits that perhaps it was a little too abstract. It turns out that the store Grainne had experience in was Liberty itself, so she’s criticised for going with handbags when she would have known that Liberty’s signature line was in scarves. Frances is praised on the personal shopping side for getting her client to spend twice their budget *which she brags about*, and Special K informs us *for the first time of many* that he almost sold that client a £1k bag.

Titans – personal shopper £1264.38, department £3995 = £5259.38
Nebula – personal shopper £1205, department £3172.99 = £4377.99

Titans win again, and the treat is croquet and drinks. Dillon reckons he’d proven his worth, but that he was under-valued initially and could have sold more *I tend to agree, if GBBD had got the information on day 1 then I reckon it would have been a landslide win. He did brilliantly considering the circumstances*.

Over at the Café of Shattered Delusions: Rebecca brings up the window (and McEye) but Grainne shuts them down, as she has done the whole way so far. Incredible Sulk says he came up with the logical choice of product and blames McEye for influencing Grainne out of it *this is an important point*. Special K felt that he was better suited to shop floor, but Grainne reckons she put the team in the correct places.

In the BR: Frances points out the rest of the team voted for scarves, and McEye admits that his personal preference was for handbags as he knew about them rather than scarves. Claude tells him that Incredible Sulk was correct in his reasoning for scarves *more support for my perception of him as a Neil Clough mark 2*. Grainne called out for not putting Rebecca in the window *it’s the running theme of the ep isn’t it ‘put Rebecca in the window’?*, and Special K argues well for why he should have been on the floor (McEye admits he asked to go on personal shopper, but Grainne tries to shift blame to him so this wasn't touched upon after, which for me it should have been). Incredible Sulk says the decision on who to bring back should be based on sales, and so we are informed that Rebecca only sold 2 bags. Grainne chooses McEye and Special K, McEye for the window display and Special K for not being able to place him anywhere; she changes her mind (Rebecca and Special K) and then back to McEye and Special K.

LAS aside: Grainne – mistake was the handbags, Special K – leopard doesn’t change its spots, McEye – no commercial acumen and more of a consultant but not putting anything he says into practice.

Final 3 BR: Grainne makes a good point about McEye being a bag expert but only selling 1 bag, which she then loses for the generic female ‘I am a strong woman’ comment *I wanted her to be fired after that*. Special K waffles *only realised when going to post that those 3 words together make up a decent breakfast* whilst trying to explain why he should stay but argues well that he hasn’t had a chance to show leadership *'because the teams don’t listen to him’ though, wonder why?* McEye claims that he should stay because he has started 3 businesses. LAS says his decision will be based on past performance as well as this task *Grainne is safe then*. Fire-teases Special K, but LAS feels McEye influenced Grainne wrongly *exactly what Paul said in the café* and fires him. Grainne has potential, he ‘has eyes on’ Special K but lets them go back.

McEye says Grainne should have gone but ultimately LAS’ decision *that’s the point of the show my dear*. JD, Paul and Jess adamant Mukai has gone, well done guys.

My take: Kind of agree with Frances Dickens on YF that Grainne had a lucky escape, she went with Mukai and handbags at the expense of the rest of the team, and didn’t put someone in the window (Mukai was right there). Again they should have listened to Paul - I still feel he’s being set up as the Neil Clough of the show, with shades of Tom Pellereau starting to sneak in. Jess had a good week, Dillon too. I agree with who won, but I kind of feel that Sofiane won because of his team rather than anything he did himself, didn’t see much leadership from him personally. Sofiane’s team did all the right things: they had a better display, they chose the right product, and everyone did well at selling (apart from Sofiane).

In terms of edit - Paul’s definitely final 5, Grainne’s getting a villain edit (especially considering what she does next week, I’m starting to get Selina vibes sadly), think Jess and Courtney might also be final 5 (with how much praise Jess got this week and Courtney doing well but UTR which is where you want to be really), Sofiane I’m struggling with as he looked brilliant in week 1, but he did come across as petty tonight when he moved Jess back to the window after she had some brilliant sales. Frances, after a shaky start, is coming along nicely; Karthik is slowly improving too. Dillon's done pretty well overall but I can see him being another Myles Mordaunt and leaving just before top 5. Sharks are circling for JD (pointed out as not doing much for 2 weeks out of 4, but did well if not shown much in week 2), and Rebecca (hard done by week 2, but pointed out for lack of sales in weeks 1 and 4).

My picks for final 2: Courtney and Frances

Other final 5: Paul, Jess, and either Sofiane or Alana (leaning more towards Sofiane)

Next week: the candidates are launching new cycling products, but they have to do this through crowdfunding - they need to film a PR stunt, shoot a campaign video, work out the rewards for the pledges and then pitch to cycling retail experts. 

Tonight’s Cast:
Expert, my ass! And Firee: McEye
You Better Be Like Britney and ‘Work Bitch’: Grainne
Keep on Running: Special K
Pure Pettiness: Sofiane
Top Girl: Jess
Mr Cool Cat: Dillon
The New Smug Git: Frances
Scarf Defender: The Incredible Sulk
(Not) Window Dressing: Rebecca
Needs Telephone Training: GBBD
One line and done: Trishna, Samuel
The forgotten: Teen Titan

Smug Git Walking: Aleksandra