Sunday, 7 December 2014

Strictly Come Dancing 2014: Week 11 (Quarter-final)

After witnessing 'The Curse of the Backing Dancers, part 2' last week, we're hopefully back to normal now. Sunetra & Brendan failed to romance the judges with their Rumba and were thus eliminated after appearing in the dance-off with Mark & Karen. It's at this stage now where we pretty much know what dances they'll be doing in the semis (indeed everyone's Latin dance is confirmed), so it's interesting to look at what will be skipped.

Style stakes: Claudia just about won Saturday's show (although she needed to pull her dress up a tad), but Tess is the winner of the Sunday show with that stunning black halterneck jumpsuit. Wardrobe did a good job with them both. Loved both Tess and Claude's hairstyles on the Sunday show.

Simon & Kristina - American Smooth - "Heartache Tonight"

Of course Mickey flipping Bubble had to make an appearance, he is the only voice that can be used for this dance *sarcasm*. Seriously producers, find something that isn't by him for once. As for the dance itself, I wasn't completely enamoured with the choreography - the lifts weren't great and I just got reminded of Patrick & Anya's AS with the section on the steps. It was bloody good though, Simon's hold was fantastic and his footwork was excellent. I would have just liked a little less 'American' and a bit more 'Smooth'. That ending lift, we could all see that it had gone wrong, and apparently it was down to Kristina getting her foot caught in her dress; but really, I thought it looked messy anyway and something that the pros on 'Dancing on Ice' would do. With that lift, you have to rely on the female getting her leg into the right place on the male so that she can then push up her other leg to the other side of his arm, thus enabling the lift. It was a bit too risky and although they got it right in the dance-off, I think it would have been better had they gone with a different lift. 

Simon is doing the Foxtrot and Samba next week: his Foxtrot should be good, given that his American Smooth was with a Foxtrot base, I can see him getting 10s for that (probably not a 40 though). As for the Samba, he is best suited to the fast Latin dances, so if he can master the technique (and I reckon he will) he'll be onto a winner - it all depends on the music with the Samba though, you can have great music (see Pixie's) or slightly duffer music (Frankie, Mark), or very duff music (Caroline, Jake). I'm quite confident for him. Should he get through to the final, then as of this week, I'd like him to do either his Waltz or Argentine Tango, and his Jive again.

Judges' scores: 8, 9, 9, 9 for a total of 35/40
My score: 8.5

Caroline & Pasha - Argentine Tango - "La Cumparsita"

Wardrobe have failed Caroline again I see. What was that big, ugly, visible zip doing on that dress? She looked frumpy rather than sexy - the neckline needed to be a bit lower (although I do understand that Caroline was worried about a possible wardrobe malfunction), the hem more flattering (we know she's short, but don't make her look it), and if it had to have a visible zip, then for god sake, make it the same colour as the dress so it's not as distracting. Onto the dance, and I feel I really am missing something. To me, Caroline looked so uncomfortable, and she was apologising to Pasha at the end as if she'd messed something up (although I couldn't see it myself). It got better as the music kicked in, but I found it very boring to watch and I can't tell whether it was good or not, which normally I can with an Argentine Tango. The lifts were awesome, that much I can say. 

Caroline has the Salsa next week, and either the Viennese Waltz or the Foxtrot. I'm guessing it's the Viennese Waltz she has due to Simon doing the Foxtrot. Caroline isn't the best at the slower Ballroom dances, but both of those options are a bit quicker so she should be ok. If anything, it's her Salsa that I worry about - it could either go really well or really badly for her. Fingers crossed. If she got to the final, I'd want her to do her American Smooth and her Charleston again.

Judges' scores: 9, 10, 10, 10 for a total of 39/40
My score: I'm going to give the only score that I think I can give, and therefore go for an 8

Pixie & Trent - Cha Cha Cha - "Love Shack"

*RECYCLED SONG ALERT - Richard & Erin from series 10*

This was a bit odd to watch back again due to the camera work being rubbish. I can see what Len meant about her legs, and I am so glad that he pulled Trent up on the lifts - there's been a few occasions before tonight where it looked as though Pixie did an illegal lift, and it had never been mentioned until now. Surprised Craig still gave 9 despite those lifts, maybe she really is his favourite. Yet again, it felt like 2 dancers who happen to be doing the same dance rather than a partnership, and for all those who say that Kevin does routines that don't play to Frankie's strengths, I personally think the same applies to Trent, with both this and her Charleston. After Trent's comments to Len about how 'rules are meant to be broken', it's pretty much a no-brainer that they went into the dance-off, Brendan can get away with that one but not a newbie pro. Pixie would have done the American Smooth and Salsa in the semis, which means double lifts - could have thrown her a bit.

Judges' scores: 9, 9, 8, 9 for a total of 35/40
My score: 7.5

Mark & Karen - Foxtrot - "L-O-V-E"

*RECYCLED SONG ALERT - Austin & Erin in series 6*

Now I'm no fan of Mark as a personality, but I wouldn't mind him winning the series. Karen has done a fantastic job with him, and this was another great dance, I'd probably say this was his best. He does need to sort out his hands, and he was a little out of time with Karen on occasion; but, his footwork was great, he had lovely musicality, and the dance was fantastic to watch, which I don't often say about Foxtrots. Bravo guys, bravo.

Mark definitely has the Rumba next week, and either the Argentine Tango or the Viennese Waltz. Personally, I would say to do the Argentine Tango - Karen did a superb one with Nicky in series 10 and he wasn't as good a dancer as Mark (I didn't think it was great at the time, but seeing it on the tour at the start of this year changed my mind), so I do think it will suit him. For the Rumba, he just needs to work on his hands and arm lines, get those sorted and he will definitely be in the '30 club' (the magic club for male celebs who score 30 or over for their Rumba. Up to and including Simon in this series, only 12 celebs are in this club, 1 of them being Chris Hollins). Should he get to the final, I want to see his Quickstep and his Samba again.

Judges' scores: 8, 9, 9, 9 for a total of 35/40
My score: 8.25

Jake & Janette - Charleston - "Entry of the Gladiators"

Was it just me, or was Jake's swivel better than Janette's? Either way, this dance should not have had 10s whatsoever, not when there was a blatant mishap with the penultimate lift. Also, didn't this dance have 4 lifts when it should have been 3? I can't fault Jake's performance, and this was probably his best dance technically, but still, not a 10. Loved the choreography with the ball projection though, that was inspired.

Next week Jake has the Cha Cha Cha, and either the Foxtrot or Viennese Waltz. Somehow I can see Janette going for the mean and melancholy Viennese Waltz... sorry, I know I don't have a high opinion of her, but come on, show us something different performance-wise. Cha Cha Cha might be a problem dance for him, calling it now. He needs to pull out something special as at the moment, they'd be very undeserving winners in my eyes. Should he get to the final, I'd like to see a rehashed Argentine Tango, and his Salsa again. 

Judges' scores: 9, 9, 10, 10 for a total of 38/40
My score: 8.25

Frankie & Kevin - Salsa - "Work"

We know Latin isn't Frankie's thing, but again, you could see how uncomfortable she was with this dance. She seemed to forget where she was towards the end, before getting into that last lift. Her free arm placement was a bit dodgy again this week, something that she really needs to think about with her next dances. I'm starting to think that she won't win now and may go to pieces during the final like Chelsee did in her series.

Frankie has the Rumba, and either the American Smooth or Argentine Tango next week. I'd go for American Smooth with her, she can do classy Ballroom and then some - just needs some good lifts in and that would be great for her. Rumba, hmm. Bit of a tricky one that - Caroline's was fantastic and one of the dances of the series for me, whereas I wasn't a fan of Pixie's despite it being an impressive dance for her. We haven't seen a Kevin Rumba yet (it was the dance that he skipped with Susanna), so it would be interesting to see what he comes up with. If she got to the final, I'd like to see her Viennese Waltz and her Paso Doble again.

Judges' scores: 8, 9, 8, 9 for a total of 34/40
My score: 8

Waltzathon: I think anyone could have predicted the rankings before the show even started - I did it, and apart from getting Frankie and Simon the wrong way round, I was spot on. After watching the dance back, I would have had the leaderboard slightly different, with Frankie top, Pixie 2nd, Simon 3rd, Mark 4th, Caroline 5th, and Jake 6th. 

Strictly Leaderboard:

1. Caroline & Pasha - 39 + 3 = 42
2. Pixie & Trent - 35 + 6 = 41
=3. Jake & Janette (38 + 1), Simon & Kristina (35 + 4), Frankie & Kevin (34 + 5) = 39
6. Mark & Karen - 35 + 2 = 37

My Leaderboard:

=1. Simon & Kristina - 34 + 4 = 38, Frankie & Kevin - 32 + 6 = 38
3. Mark & Karen - 33 + 3 = 36
4. Pixie & Trent - 30 + 5 = 35
=5. Caroline & Pasha - 32 + 2 = 34, Jake & Janette - 33 + 1 = 34

Dance-off: Pixie & Trent vs Simon & Kristina. I was a bit surprised that Pixie was here, as I expected Mark to be in the dance-off for sure; but Simon was always going to end up here - Jake and Frankie both have proven fanbases and Caroline was too far ahead to go down in the dance-off. Pixie could only have been 5th in the vote at best, and this was the only week where her vote would have been tested, so it's a bit unlucky that she landed in it on this week.

Elimination: Pixie & Trent. If you think about it - although Pixie and Simon scored the same for their first dance, Simon's included a major mistake in the final lift, so really, Simon's was better. As for the judges: based on scores, Craig and Len had to vote the way that they did, so actually it was down to Darcey and Bruno. Pixie was unlucky that she came up against this dance of Simon's with what was probably her worst dance (excluding her week 1 Jive), almost any other week and she would have sailed through, but on this showing, I do think it was the right decision to eliminate her. It's a bit sad as although I didn't enjoy their partnership, I would have loved to see her Quickstep again, that was her one outstanding dance for me. 

Recycled song choices are now at 34 for the series.

So next week the couples take on 2 dances for the first time. Will they wow us with both of their offerings, or will they crack under the pressure?

Until next time, keep reading and keep watching!

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