Monday, 10 January 2022

The Masked Singer series 3 - week 1, night 1

The Masked Singer is well and truly back! I love trying to guess the celebrities, even though the forums usually get at least a couple spot-on as soon as they see them (Nicola Roberts and Morten Harket were two that I remember got named for definite very early on, someone got Nicola from the trailer before the first episode of series 1). This and night 2 are going up later than I'd hoped as I wanted to get them in before week 2 on Saturday 8th, but oh well. My guesses are going to be without any Googling, but I will make note of forum guesses. I haven't seen the week 2 episode featuring the 5 remaining masks from this group yet, so I don't know which one has gone or who they were.

Bottom 3 but saved are underlined, unmasked is in strikethrough.

Mushroom - forest theme, quite mellow and carefree but known to sprout in a more serious part of the forest from time to time. Some kind of lantern in the background, help control life in the woods, help to bring new life. Mushroom likes to start new things and try new lives. A digital clock with a time of 01:28. When mushrooms pop their heads above the ground, they can take many forms. As they grow, they might want to be any number of things (she bangs a gavel as she says this). 

Song: 'It's Oh So Quiet' by Bjork; sounds more Irish when she sings but could be an attempt to disguise their voice. Definite performer of some description, quite a good voice and definitely able to emote the song. I'd guess around 40s/50s in terms of age.

Extra clue: I just want to bring peace and love man.

First guess: With the 'try new lives' clue, I reckon this is an actress. Given the initial clue of 'quite mellow and carefree but known to sprout in a more serious part of the forest from time to time', I'd say someone more known as a comedic actress but who acts in serious roles from time to time - this would potentially count out a more popular guess of Jodie Whittaker (seeing as she was mainly known for Broadchurch when she got the role of Doctor Who, although the 'take many forms' clue would point to her role as the Doctor). The extra clue makes me think of the Beatles so maybe someone from or associated with Liverpool? Someone who I think could fit the bill in terms of age is Claire Sweeney, and I know she's done West End productions so can definitely sing. I'll go with her to begin with.

Robobunny - set in some kind of underground warehouse/factory. 'You thought I was a real tough guy eh? Well that's just my shell' They're actually a real softie who's part of a machine. Bottle of peroxide being used, they're not going to rabbit on about hard exteriors but they will say that they're here to ctrl-alt-delete what we think about them. Police sirens in the background, buckle up because they came to play. 

Song: 'Saving All My Love for You' by Whitney Houston. Jeez this bunny can sing! Both low and high they're great. 

Extra clue: QR code on the back of the costume - I might be made of metal but that doesn't stop me making a splash.

First guess: My first guess is also the popular guess, that being Mark Feehily from Westlife. There's not many male singers who can vocally sing that high, but Mark is one and if you listen to the chorus of the new Westlife song 'My Hero', the high part is all him. That being said, I do wonder if the vocal on a whole (even the lower range) from Robobunny is actually too high to be Mark, so it may turn out to be someone younger. That being said, the 'we'll be making love' part definitely sounded like him. The clue package doesn't really hint towards a singer, more of either an actor or a gamer. Maybe someone who has been in trouble with the law in the past or who has been known to act in tough guy roles? Normally there's a misdirection guess (like how Queen Bee was gearing towards Jade from Little Mix to the point where Nicola Roberts used a Geordie accent) and I'm going to take a punt and say the misdirection guess will be Jason Statham, as he's known for tough guy roles and was a diver before becoming an actor.

Doughnuts - tray of doughnuts going into an oven, dial turned so we can see '150' in red, they hope we have a sweet tooth. Oven is seen shaking before the door pops open and Doughnuts jumps out. Then some kind of sweet-themed location, at a theme park possibly? In the background next to some candy canes are sweets shaped like records - pointing to either a singer or someone who either holds or has broken records in their career. Doughnuts are a fast food but they are extra speedy. Never been the lazy sort but must be all that sugar, have run ice rings around the competition. Pick n Mix bags seen at the end. Scoffing crisps and saying that being the best has always been one of their goals. Going to do their best to jockey for position, and there is a jockey's hat perched on the 'clown' in the background. 

Song: 'Eye of the Tiger' by Survivor - this person certainly isn't a singer, he sounds too low for the song even though it's definitely been pitched down for him. 

Extra clue: As well as being sweet they've also been savoury. 

First guess: I know a lot of people think this is Michael Owen, but I reckon that's the misdirection guess. I do feel it's a sportsman of some description, probably a footballer. People's singing voices tend to be similar to their speaking voice, so I figure this person has a deeper speaking voice than Michael Owen. I'm going to guess it's a goalkeeper (save-oury) and go with the Dancing on Ice link (ice rings) and take a punt that it's David Seaman.

Lionfish - 'the fishbowl' sign, set in what looks like a speakeasy. Tested the microphone before speaking, German and French subtitles appearing on screen. Pleasure to be our host this evening, there's a golden egg in a fishbowl. Aiming to bring some soul to the proceedings, hopes that joke wasn't too cheesy. Shells on the table with the golden egg in the fishbowl. Never too late to start, and they should know. Might be a lionfish but they promise that they're gentle, only use their barbs to defend themselves when absolutely necessary. Fear not, they're hoping to have a good time and get under the skins of their fabulous costume. 

Song: 'Nessun Dorma', definitely a singer with some training, but not an opera singer. 

Extra clue: Appeared in places they've never been.

First guess: The clue package points to the popular guess of Will Young, but unless he's disguising his singing voice then I don't think it's him. Will's natural voice is quite a bit higher than that of Lionfish. The golden egg in the fishbowl makes me think of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (there was a task involving a golden egg), so it could be someone in the film. I'm struggling with this one, as although almost everything in the clue package points to Will, the singing voice is throwing me off. It sounds a bit older, so considering I have nothing else and I think he's done a musical or two, I'm going to go with Jonathan's guess of Jack Dee.

Firework - sparkly backdrop, does she say 'hiya babs'? OMG, what am I like? Always been a pocket rocket, a total bundle of energy. People taking pictures with their phones,. That's just their style, but maybe that's because fireworks are designed to make people smile, modelled to be colourful and create joy and happiness. Makes any event a party, and can't have a party without a few fireworks. On a shelf we can see two porcelain cats on top of some books, and a wooden model, almost as if they're dancing. On another shelf there's a porcelain dog with what looks like black crosses on it, and a gold/blue/red lightning bolt. Normally you find fireworks in the sky, but this one has also lit things up in another fashion. Stand back and shield our eyes as they're about to walk into this competition with a bang. 

Song: 'Domino' by Jessie J, not a bad singer. Someone relatively young, 20s/30s. 

Extra clue: Light up the street with a different kind of flash. 

First guess: The clue package points to a model of some description, and someone who's quite short for a model would be Kate Moss, but the singing voice doesn't point to her, it's a bit too low. I'm going to take a punt on the fashion clues being a bit of misdirection, and if it wasn't for the fact that she would have just been eliminated from Strictly at the same time as filming, I would have thought Katie McGlynn was a good shout. I'm going to go with someone else who was on Strictly, and who has been in musicals including 'Flashdance' and guess Joanne Clifton

Chandelier - unmasked and revealed to be Heather Small. I can safely say that none of us got her whatsoever. Definitely disguised her voice (unlike Sophie Ellis Bextor and Mel B who were the first two out last year) but turned out to be to her detriment in the end. I don't think the clue package really pointed to her at all. 

Night 2 should be up within a couple of days, and the week 2 post will be up by end of Friday. I've probably got all of these completely wrong, but that's part of the fun! 

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