Wednesday 28 November 2012

SCD Week 8 Review

Apologies for not doing reviews for the past few weeks, have been ill and have had internet issues.

So this week saw the demise of Pendledrama, and the obvious relief of Brendan Cole (whether it's relief to be definitely unavailable for when his wife gives birth, or relief to just finally get away from the Pendledrama, I'll leave up to you to decide).

Was Tess best dressed? Well she did pretty well in my opinion. Probably her best dress this series in all honesty. 9/10

Dani & Vincent - Samba - "Single Ladies"

What is it with this show and Beyonce songs, that's 2 already this series. I was really wanting her to do well with this, but, I don't know, something was missing for me. Proper samba choreography, that's what. This was basically a rehash of the dance from the video - which to be fair to Dani, she executed quite well. Just lacked a bit of bounce action, and was she meant to do a floor spin at the end?

Judges' scores: 9, 9, 9, 9
My score: 7.5

Kimberley & Pasha - Tango - "When Doves Cry"

I've said before that I'm not crazy about Kimberley's Ballroom, and I was underwhelmed here as well. Her hold is still way too loose and she went overboard on the facial expression, although her footwork is really good. Sorry Pasha but I did get bored during the routine, that might have been the song choice though. Hope she comes back strongly next week as to be honest, I'm disappointed.

Judges' scores: 8, 9, 8, 9
My score: 7.5

Victoria & Brendan - Salsa - "Candy"

Where do I begin? She messed up at the beginning and just went downhill from there. The armography section was good, but other than that it was a dis-ahhh-stahh. Brendan just couldn't be bothered this week could he? Hehe. Loved when Bruno called him "Brenda" - heard that and thought of Monkseal. It was her time to go, so at least it was on one of her better Latins.

Judges' scores: 4, 6, 6, 5
My score: 4

Louis & Flavia - Paso Doble - "Dirty Diana"

I love this song but even I know that it doesn't work for a Paso. Louis did alright with the capework at the beginning but the dance just completely lacked any attack. I hate to say it but I do blame Flavia's choreography a bit on that one, it didn't really enable Louis to try and deliver on the performance side. I'm glad he has the Charleston this week - if he can't perform in that then he won't be able to at all and will probably leave before the final. His technique is undoubtedly good, but I'm always looking to be excited after the performance, and Team Flouia hasn't given me that so far.

Judges' scores: 6, 7, 7, 7
My score: 6

Lisa & Robin - Rumba - "As If We Never Said Goodbye"

I actually thought she did well with this. I wasn't keen on the song (it was a bit too frantic for me), but she gave the dance a good go and she proved that she could do serious. She at least tried to do the hip action and some of her shaping was good. Unfortunately her frame worked against her on this dance, "it just wasn't her dahhhnce". This week's Quickstep should set her back on the right path.

Judges' scores: 7, 6, 7, 7
My score: 5.5

Michael & Natalie - Argentine Tango - "Bust Your Windows"

I do love this song and I was really looking forward to the dance, to see how Michael has improved as well. He went back to "hanging basket" with his backside and it was all a bit too "English gent" for me. His Samba this week should be entertaining, if mainly for all the wrong reasons!

Judges' scores: 6, 7, 7, 6
My score: 5

Nicky & Karen - Charleston - "Doop"

I thought this might be Nicky's dance and I was glad to see he did well. I think this was more a case of performance over technique though, more Chris & Ola than Kara & Artem. Surely it should be his time to go soon? Karen can't seem to choreograph much and I reckon she'll be Holt!-ed at the end of the series.

Judges' scores: 9, 9, 9, 9
My score: 7

Denise & James - American Smooth - "Imagine"

Was it just me, or was this as boring as watching a Parliamentary debate? Team Vanjam just rehashed their previous Ballroom routines and added some lifts to it. I HATE those spins! They don't look elegant and she just looks down at the floor whenever she does them. It was a good dance technically but they are yet to wow me performance-wise.

Judges' scores: 9, 9, 9, 10
My score: 8.5

Bruno just gave that a 10 to put Denise at the top of the leaderboard didn't he? Hope the marking is more realistic this coming weekend - will we have a new leaderboard-topper for the first time since.... erm.... week 3 or 4 maybe? I can't remember when Denise wasn't top of the leaderboard. 

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